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Troponin assays with higher clinical specificity; a novel future option

April 24th, 2024

[EDT: 8:00 AM, CET 2:00 PM, CST 8:00 PM]

This webinar will describe the clinical need and analytical possibilities for creating troponin assays with improved specificity.

Learning objectives:

Current clinical utility and performance of cardiac troponins for diagnosing acute cardiac disease; Suggestions how to improve the clinical specificity when acute cardiac disease is investigated; Discussion of future troponin assays measuring different molecular forms of troponins, and how these may improve the clinical specificity of troponin measurements.

This webinar comprises of three following presentations of 20 min each followed by 20 min of panel discussion at the end.

Chair: Prof. Paul Collinson

Talk 1- "Improved specificity of troponin assays; what is the current clinical need" - Prof. Allan S. Jaffe

Talk 2- "Navigating Towards a More Specific Cardiac Troponin Assay" - Prof. Steven Meex

Talk 3- "Novel assays for measuring different molecular forms of troponins" - Dr. Saara Witfooth

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Prof. Paul O. Collinson MA MB BChir FRCPath MD FACB FRCP FESC
Professor of Cardiovascular Biomarkers
St George’s University of London, UK
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Prof. Allan Jaffe
Mayo Clinic, Minnesota, USA
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Prof. Steven Meex
Clinical Chemist and Cardiovascular Scientist
Maastricht University Medical Center, The Netherlands
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Dr. Saara Witfooth
Assistant Professor
Department of Life Technologies, University of Turku, Finland
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