Mucinomics as the next frontier of mass spectrometry

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Mucinomics as the next frontier of mass spectrometry

Available On Demand


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Mucin-domain glycoproteins, a class of densely O-glycosylated extracellular proteins, play key roles in a host of biological functions. These proteins are integral in numerous diseases, including cancer, cystic fibrosis, and inflammatory bowel disease.

However, their dense O-glycosylation remains enigmatic both in glycoproteomic landscape and structural dynamics, primarily due to the challenges associated with studying mucin domains.

This webcast will present advances in the mass spectrometric analysis of mucins, including the characterization of mucinases, enrichment techniques, and complete mucinomic mapping of translationally relevant mucin proteins.


  • Mass spectrometry based glycoproteomics solutions
  • Difficulties and limitations involved in O-glycosylation analysis  
  • Insights into the biological relevance of mucin-domain glycoproteins

This webcast has been produced by Thermo Fisher Scientific who retain sole responsibility for content. About this content.


Stacy Malaker
Assistant Professor
Yale University
View Biography
Moderator: Nikki Forrester
Freelance science
writer and editor
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