
How are DSOs using flexibility to deliver the low-carbon energy transition now and in the future?

Date and Time: Monday 9th December , 14:30 – 16:00 (CET)

In the face of growing energy demand and ambitious carbon reduction targets, Distribution System Operators (DSOs) are under increasing pressure to incorporate flexibility solutions that optimise grid performance while keeping costs manageable.

This webinar will explore how DSOs can effectively use flexibility to drive the low-carbon transition, addressing key operational and market questions critical for flexibility market maturation and system-wide integration.

Key discussion points:

  • The maturity of DSOs' purchasing strategies
  • Sub-metering’s potential to enhance asset-specific flexibility
  • Do fault level constraints or short circuit currents present a notable barrier to connections?
  • Current costs and benefits of grid reinforcement versus flexibility solutions
  • The granularity needed to optimise localised markets
  • Coordination challenges between TSOs and DSOs
  • The role of regulation in enabling cost-effective, localised flexibility
  • Strategies to increase market liquidity in the UK, across Europe, and the USA

Whether it’s understanding sub-metering, balancing services, or future regulatory impacts, this session will provide the latest perspectives and strategies for DSOs navigating the flexibility landscape today and into 2030. Join us for a comprehensive discussion on advancing flexibility to support the energy transition now and in the years to come.


Peter Söderström
CIRED GA Chair and Director, Sweden

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Marie Cecile Alvarez
Associate Professor Grenoble INP-UGA and G2Elab, Grenoble, France

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Fabrizio Pilo
Full Professor of Power Systems, Università di Cagliari CIRED TC Chair, Italy

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Alfred Einfalt
Principal Key Expert, Foundational Technologies, Siemens, Vienna, Austria

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Mark McGranaghan
EPRI Fellow ,EPRI Europe

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Mário Teixeira Couto
Senior Technical Leader, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)

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