Fly whole brain connectome revealed

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Fly whole brain connectome revealed

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The long-awaited release of the complete FlyWire brain connectome and associated search engine for exploring it.

Princeton FlyWire co-founders Mala Murthy and Sebastian Seung discuss their latest research findings, as part of the FlyWire collaboration, to reconstruct the Drosophila full brain connectome. The authors will share highlights from their recent Nature publications, in conversation with Nature senior editor, David Rowland. After their discussion, there’s a chance to ask questions.

This webinar will explore:

  • The history of connectomics
  • The goal of the FlyWire group
  • An overview of what is included in the connectome
  • How the connectome is already being used
  • The future of the field
  • How you can use the online tools for exploring the connectome

We invite you to hear their insights, ask questions, and contribute to this timely discussion.

This webcast has been produced by Nature, who retains sole responsibility for content.


Mala Murthy
Professor of Neuroscience
Princeton University
View Biography
Sebastian Seung
Professor of Computer Science and Neuroscience
Princeton University
View Biography
David Rowland
Senior Editor, Nature
Springer Nature
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