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Genetic Rocket Fuel: The Landscape of CRISPR Technologies

September 18, 2019
8:00 am PT, 11:00 am ET, 17:00 CET


Harnessing CRISPR has provided scientists with a toolkit of powerful genome-modifying enzymes. In the few years since their advent, programmable CRISPR enzymes have revolutionized biomedical research by enabling precise gene knock-out or knock-in in cells or animal models, high-throughput functional screens, and even lineage tracing in developing organisms. A rapidly-expanding array of CRISPR technologies includes genome editors, base editors, regulators of activation/inhibition, and even evolvers capable of introducing genetic diversity to a targeted locus. In this webinar, Dr. Ross Wilson, an alumnus of the Doudna laboratory at UC Berkeley, will discuss this remarkable array of molecular machines, the tools in an expanding toolkit that allows researchers to explore the ever-expanding territory. 

A live Q&A session will follow the presentations, offering you a chance to pose questions to our expert panelist.


Ross Wilson, PhD
Project Scientist
Innovative Genomics Institute
UC Berkeley
View Biography
Ryan Donnelly
Product Manager
Horizon Discovery
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