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Classic major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins, also known as human leukocyte antigen proteins (HLA) in humans, play an essential role in immune function and regulation, including influencing the composition of the T-cell repertoire. A growing body of research shows that a range of diseases, including autoimmune diseases, are linked to specific HLA alleles, suggesting that HLA type plays an important role in disease susceptibility.
Emerging research efforts such as Adaptive and Microsoft’s antigen mapping collaboration, are focusing on these associations as well as the role of HLA type in immune responses and immune-driven therapies.
In this webcast, Dr. Thomas Snyder and Dr. Jabran Zahid will discuss how immunosequencing and identification of public T-cell receptor responses can be used to characterize HLA type and make connections of HLA to disease biology, immune response, and immune-driven therapies.
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